Thursday, March 13, 2008

CD, Daytrotter, SXSW

Hey friends. We're on our way down I-35, headed to Austin for the weekend. Head to our shows section if you're looking to come see us at SXSW. In the meantime, two things...

One: Our CD is finally out! You can order it online through our merch store or you can find it at your local CIMS (Coaltion of Independent Music Stores). Go here for a list of stores in your area.

Two: A few weeks ago we recorded some unreleased songs for Daytrotter which are up for free download now. Make sure and read the article written by Sean Moeller. Probably the most insightful thing anyone's ever written about/for us.

Thanks for listening!

Monday, March 3, 2008

End of Tour / CD Release

Last night of tour with Limbeck and John Ralston was bittersweet. We celebrated Rob's birthday by jumping around on stage with Limbeck throwing ballons and inflatable super heroes at them. Bid them a snowy farewell in Cleveland and began the trek back down south.

In Cincy we played the Gypsy Hut and hung out with our new found friends Pomegranates. Nashville was a great show with local bad asses Tommy and the Whale. And last stop on the way home was Arkansas to play a show with our old pals Midwest Caravan and Deas Vail.

We cannot say thank you enough to everyone who made the CD release show happen: John Solis, Club Dada, Gazelles, Quiet Company, Homer Hiccolm and the Rocketboys, all our friends and families... We had a blast. Couldn't have asked for a better turn-out and response. Thanks to all of you who bought a CD or a shirt or came to a show along the way. It means the world to us.

Tour's over for now but keep in touch, the record will be in CIMS stores nationwide March 11th and we will be at SXSW soon after that. Thanks for listening...